Make money online today

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hey Money, How I Made my first Money Online

Hello Money,

I hope you had a chance to read the free report I sent you.
If so, great! You should now have a general idea of what Internet
Marketing is all about.

BUT, there are LOADS of scams out there, so you really do need
to be very careful! These people are slick, persuasive and
scam people day after day!

One legitimate way to get started, and the way I started
making money to begin with, is to write articles for others.

Believe it or not, you do not need to have any writing skills
and just about anyone can do this and start making some extra
money right away!

There is a report I really like called "Content Chef" written
by a good friend of mine, Courtney Ramirez, which will give
you a step-by-step plan of action, so you can start profiting
right away!

You can get it here:

Once you know the basic fundamentals, which Courtney provides
within the report, you can literally start making money the
same day, with no learning curve!

Take a look and let me know if you have any questions at all!

To Your Success,

Josh Spaulding
7217 Winslet Blvd.
IN 46217
United States
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Money online